
Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year have closed.

Applicants, be on the lookout for award notifications by May 5th, 2025.

Please contact Ben Kinion ( if you have any questions!

Different deadlines operate for Lauren P. Miller apprenticeship scholarships and McMurry grants.

Guide to Applying

for a WYCF Scholarship

Here is a step-by-step guide to applying for WYCF scholarships. Read it carefully before applying. In addition, our resources page has many useful tools, including cost calculators for colleges and towns across Wyoming and advice on application writing, applying for financial aid in general, and other parts of the financial aid process.

Questions? Contact Ben Kinion ( | 307-721-8300).

Best of luck on your application!


Step 1

Find out if you’re eligible for one or more WYCF scholarships using this table.

Be sure to click the scholarship name for full details.

Wyoming Community Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship NameEducational statusResident/graduate ofInstitutionFieldGPA
Carns Nursing Graduating senior, Undergraduate**WyomingAny in WYNursing3.0
D.A.R. Undergraduate**WyomingAnyAny2.0
Lauren P. Miller AnyWyomingApprenticeshipVarious
Urbigkit AnyWyomingAnyAviation-related
Sargent NursingUndergraduateWyomingU.W.Nursing3.0
Eppson Undergraduate**WyomingU.W.Molecular biology3.0
Path-away Graduating seniorAlbany CountyOut of stateAnyvarious
Burlington AnyBurlington H.S. AnyAny2.5
Buchler Graduating seniorCasperAny in WYAny2.0
Haight Graduating seniorCampbell Co. & Thunder Basin H.S.AnyAny3.0
Cody Youth Council Graduating seniorCody H.S. & Heart Mountain Ac.AnyAny2.7
Hager Any**Converse CountyAnyAny2.5
Anderson Graduating seniorEvanston H.S.U.W.Any
Wobig Graduating seniorGlenrock H.S.AnyAny3.0
Pirtle (Job's Daughters) AnyGreen RiverAnyAny
Patch UndergraduateJohnson CountyAnyAny2.0
McKenna AnyKaycee H.S.AnyAny
Piz Graduating seniorKemmerer H.S.AnyAny3.0
Wright AnyLovell H.S.AnyAny
Vera Sargent AnyLovell H.S.Northwest C.C.Any
Albert Graduating senior**Niobrara County H.S.AnyAny2.5
Huston Graduating seniorPinedale H.S.AnyAny2.5
Platte County Graduating seniorPlatte CountyAnyAny2.5
Spicer Graduating seniorSweetwater CountyAnyMore info3.0
Morris Graduating senior**Upton H.S.AnyAny3.0
Kiesling Any**Newcastle H.S./Upton H.S.Four-year collegeEngineering or nursing3.0
Dickey Any**Weston CountyMost WY collegesMore info2.5
**Allows for re-application (please note, re-application is not the same as renewal).

Step 2:

Do some preparation. Prepare your answers in advance and get someone to read over them.

See our resources page for useful info on writing, finances, etc.

  • For an example application click here.
  • Many of our scholarships have additional essays or other questions. Clicking on the scholarship name above will bring you to that scholarship’s specific details. 
  • Collect info for the financial aid affidavit.
  • You’ll need to know your Hathaway status, no matter which scholarship you’re applying for.

Step 3:

  • When you apply, read everything in the application. Every detail is important.
  • If you think the system gives you the wrong result at any point, or if you have any questions at all, email or call Ben Kinion ( | (307) 721-8300).
  • If you are awarded a scholarship, please note that scholarship awards are sent to your institution. We begin sending scholarship awards in early August. 
  • WYCF allows you to accept multiple scholarships, but your institution may not. Please check with your institution on their policy on External Scholarships (WYCF is considered an external scholarship provider) and other financial aid guidelines they have in place. 
  • Make sure you’ve checked out the resources page. There’s a lot of useful stuff there!
  • Applicants will be notified of outcomes via email on or before Monday, May 5th, 2025.

Step 4:

APPLY for a WYCF scholarship!

  • If you have NOT applied before using our online system, you will create a new username and password. We recommend using a personal email address for highschool applicants who may lose access to their high schools’ email system after graduation.
    • If you have applied before, you will use your existing username and password.  
  • Please contact Ben Kinion ( | 307-721-8300) if you have any questions.
  • Scholarship applications close each year on March 1st or the following business day.

Step 5:

Understanding the Scholarship Timeline

  • Important dates for each scholarship cycle:
    • October 1st: Scholarship applications open.
    • March 3rd, 2025 – Scholarship deadline for 2025-2026 academic year.
    • May 5th – Notification date or scholarship award or decline.
    • July 31st – Scholarship acceptance forms due.
    • August: WYCF begins sending scholarships to schools.

Mission: Connecting people who care with causes that matter to build a better Wyoming.

WYCF Headquarters

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00-5:00
Address: 1472 N. 5th Street, Suite 201
                 Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: 307-721-8300

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