WYCF Announces Over $90,000 in Grant Awards from Preliminary Round of Wyoming Intertie’s Community Investment Program
Contact: Allison Renton: allison@wycf.org (307)-721-8300
Laramie, WY – The Wyoming Community Foundation (WYCF) is pleased to announce that it has awarded $90,400 in grants from the Wyoming Intertie Community Investment Program (“Community Investment Program”) to nonprofit organizations in southeastern Wyoming.
Beginning in 2024, the Community Investment Program will be a separate grant program at WYCF, supporting three Wyoming counties (Carbon, Albany, and Platte) in which Grid United’s Wyoming Intertie – a transmission line connecting the U.S. eastern and western electric grids – will be located. The first deadline for this grant program cycle will be June 17th.
Learn more about the application here.
The Wyoming Community Foundation is assembling a committee to oversee and determine the future disbursement of the Community Investment Program funds. This committee will be comprised of members representing each of the three counties the Community Investment Program serves. The Community Investment Program is funded by Grid United and overseen by WYCF. Grid United does not select grant recipients nor determine fund allocation. Organizations with impact in one or more of these counties are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or government entity, such as a local government, tribal government, or school district. Non-501(c)(3) nonprofits may be eligible. Projects with creative and innovative approaches to community development and broad impact on quality of life will be prioritized.
The grant awards for this preliminary round of funding by the Wyoming Intertie Community Investment Program are as follows:
Carbon County
- Town of Saratoga: Never Forget Park development.
Albany County
- Albany County Library Foundation: computer replacement, printer, and telephone purchases for Rock River Library Branch.
- Cathedral Home for Children: wages for staff working at a residential treatment program for underserved and underrepresented youth in Wyoming.
- Family Promise of Albany County: general operating grant to extend services.
- Laramie Interfaith: general operating grant to continue meeting immediate needs in the community.
- Laramie Plains Civic Center: infrastructure improvements for communal art space.
- Laramie Public Art Coalition: community artist-led workshops.
Platte County
- Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions: onboarding and training for a hospice nurse to serve the residents of Platte County.
- Guernsey Community Food Pantry: general operating grant to fund ongoing food purchases.
- Platte County School District #1: playground equipment replacement.
- Platte ParaTransit: general operating grants to assist with medical transports.
About Grid United: Grid United is an independent transmission company aiming to develop next-generation energy infrastructure to create a more resilient and efficient electric system to the benefit of all consumers. For more information, visit www.gridunited.com.
About Wyoming Intertie: Wyoming Intertie is an approximately 106-mile, up to 500 kilovolt high voltage transmission line connecting the existing electric systems near Medicine Bow, WY, and the Laramie River power plant in Wheatland, WY, providing a valuable link between the U.S. eastern and western electric grids. Wyoming Intertie will be open to all sources of electrical power generation and will be able to transport power in either direction along the line.
About the Wyoming Community Foundation: For over 30 years the Wyoming Community Foundation (WYCF) has connected people who care with causes that matter to build a better Wyoming. WYCF has granted more than $100 million to charitable causes while ensuring communities have the resources to thrive in good and bad times.