WYCF Announces Over $200,000 in Grant Awards from First Round of Wyoming Intertie’s Community Investment Program
Laramie, WY., August 9th, 2024 – The Wyoming Community Foundation (WYCF) is pleased to announce that it has awarded $200,000 in grants from the Wyoming Intertie Community Investment Program (“Community Investment Program”) to nonprofit organizations in Albany, Carbon and Platte counties.
The application portal for the next round of funding from the Community Investment Program will open on September 15, 2024, with a submission deadline of December 16, 2024. Organizations in these counties are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or government entity, such as a local government, Tribal government, or school district. Non-501(c)(3) nonprofits may be eligible. Projects with creative and innovative approaches to community development and broad benefits to quality of life will be prioritized. Please contact Allison Renton at (307) 721-8300 or allison@wycf.org for more information on this new program.
The grant awards for this round of funding by the Wyoming Intertie Community Investment Program are as follows:
Carbon County
- Carbon County Senior Services, Inc. – $10,000 for the Senior Meal Program
- Town of Sinclair – $10,000 towards the purchase of a new handicap-accessible van
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Carbon County – $10,000 for out-of-school support
- South Central Wyoming EMS Joint Powers Board – $30,000 towards the purchase of a new ambulance in Hanna
- Society of St Vincent de Paul – $5,000 to address food insecurity

Teacher Marcus Stowe at a concert with students. Photo: ACSD#1
Albany County
- Albany County School District #1 – $28,300 to purchase new music instruments and sound equipment for Rock River School
- Climb Wyoming – $10,000 for career training and placement for single mothers in Albany County
- Laramie Interfaith – $10,000 toward the Laramie Interfaith Pantry renovation
- Laramie Bicycling Network – $10,000 for youth cycling programs
- Pilot Hill Inc – $15,000 for Trailhead lighting and site work
Platte County
- Platte ParaTransit, Inc. – $28,000 toward the purchase of a new medical transport vehicle
- Platte County Public Library – $14,000 toward early literacy programs
- Town of Wheatland – $10,000 for safety improvements at the Wheatland Little League Fields
- Glendo Volunteer Ambulance Service – $10,000 toward the purchase of a new ambulance
- Keep Glendo Great – $3,400 for new planters for downtown Glendo
The Community Investment Program was established at WYCF by the developer of Wyoming Intertie, Grid United, an independent transmission company that builds high voltage electric transmission lines. Wyoming Intertie is a 106-mile transmission line that will connect the US eastern and western electric grids and runs through three Wyoming Counties: Carbon, Albany, and Platte. Grid United’s approach to project development is rooted in prioritizing local stakeholders, including through the Community Investment Plan, which is designed to support the communities in which Wyoming Intertie is being developed. Neither Grid United nor Wyoming Intertie selects grant recipients.
About the Wyoming Community Foundation:
For 35 years the Wyoming Community Foundation (WYCF) has connected people who care with causes that matter to build a better Wyoming. WYCF has granted more than $120 million to charitable causes while also providing a variety of support to our nonprofit agency fund holders. For information call 307-721-8300 or visit their website at wycf.org.
About Wyoming Intertie:
Wyoming Intertie is an approximately 106-mile, up to 500 kilovolt high voltage transmission line connecting the existing electric systems near Medicine Bow, WY, and the Laramie River power plant in Wheatland, WY, providing a valuable link between the U.S. eastern and western electric grids. Wyoming Intertie will be open to all sources of electrical power generation and will be able to transport power in either direction along the line.
About Grid United:
Grid United is an independent transmission company aiming to develop next-generation energy infrastructure to create a more resilient and efficient electric system to the benefit of all consumers. For more information, visit www.gridunited.com.