Wyoming Transfer of Wealth

Over the next 10 years, an estimated $24 billion will transfer between generations in Wyoming. Imagine what might be possible if just 5% of that wealth was reinvested in the communities you care about. With your help, we are paving the way for vibrant, healthy and long-lasting communities.

In 2023, the Wyoming Community Foundation completed a Transfer of Wealth study for Wyoming. The study estimates $24 billion will transfer from one Wyoming generation to the other in the next 10 years. This transfer of wealth presents an opportunity to capture a percentage of this wealth to build a better Wyoming.

Wyoming has Assets

Household wealth is determined by looking at assets in the form of homes, businesses and investments that will transfer in the next 10 and 50 years.

    • The state of Wyoming, as a whole, has over $173 billion dollars in household wealth.
    • Over the next 10 years, nearly $24 billion dollars of household wealth will transfer generations.
    • In the next 50 years, that number will reach over $210 billion dollars.

These numbers are inflation-adjusted, so a dollar in 2073 is the same as a dollar in 2023.

Explore the Wealth of Wyoming

Click on each county below to discover the potential community benefit that endowments could provide our state. These endowments would ensure charitable organizations, schools, and communities had ongoing, reliable support. 

The Power of Endowment

Wyomingites know the power of endowment because we have all benefitted from the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund, established in 1975. Permanent endowments provide continuity and stability with reliable annual pay outs. Because these funds are held forever, the impact of this resource is far-reaching.

For example, if we created a $1.2 billion endowment fund for Wyoming using just 5% of the wealth transferred in the next ten years, it could immediately begin paying out nearly $50 million the first year to benefit Wyoming communities.

At the Wyoming Community Foundation, we envision a future where our communities have the resources to thrive. We invite you to join us in our “5 to Thrive” campaign and commit to leaving just 5% of your assets to your community – for senior centers, preschools, libraries, pathways, outdoor spaces, wildlife museums, 4-H, higher education, animal shelters, community beautification – whatever causes you care about. Together we can build it.

Generational Impact – Make a Difference Now

While wealth will continue to transfer from parents to children, the next 10 years are crucial particularly in rural states where inherited wealth tends to leave the state. Once wealth leaves our communities, this opportunity leaves with it. Additionally, charitable investing through planned giving takes time. Planning for the future for our families and communities is an important step in creating stability in our state.

The time is now to build a culture of philanthropy in Wyoming by leaving 95% of your wealth to those you love, and 5% to your community. With your help, we are paving the way for vibrant, healthy and long-lasting communities.

This new resource, now fully developed in and for Wyoming, is a long-term strategy for building community.

Take Action Now

1. Talk About It!

Join us in this effort to help build the promise of “5 to Thrive.” When we all use the same language and share ideas, we
ensure action. Research shows that the average person needs to hear a message seven times before they act.

2. Participate!

Whether you chose to create a community endowment fund at WYCF or support your community another way, get involved! If
you don’t have a will, check out our partner FreeWill. Make your commitment, then start the conversation with your children, parents, grandparents, constituents, clients, or board members. 

3. Learn!

Learn which types of gifts make the most sense for you to leave to charitable nonprofits in your community. Some assets– such as taxable assets – can offer advantages to the 95% you leave to your heirs (for example IRA, trusts, appreciated stocks, property etc.)

4. Plan!

Work with a professional advisor to create a plan that meets your goal. YOU decide how you want to give, and WYCF can help make it happen. Use our FREE gift planning
tools on our website, such as sample bequest language, gift illustrators or giving toolkits.

5. Work with WYCF!

Schedule a Transfer of Wealth presentation with the Wyoming Community Foundation and contact WYCF for more tools or resources to uncover the giving option that works best for your goals.

Contact Us



This is a call to action for all of us. Everyone, regardless of their means, can contribute to building a better Wyoming.

Mission: Connecting people who care with causes that matter to build a better Wyoming.

WYCF Headquarters

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00-5:00
Address: 1472 N. 5th Street, Suite 201
                 Laramie, WY 82072
Email: wcf@wycf.org
Phone: 307-721-8300

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   Family of Funds